If you see a fake Juicy Couture Daydreamer handbag beside one that's authentic, you might not be able to tell which is which. However, just a few pointers will show you the difference, and you won't mistake one for the other again. Details of the leather, metal hardware, price and logo distinguish a fake from the real thing.
- 1
Examine the leather on the bag. The Daydreamer handbags should contain leather that is darker in color, is not as shiny and has more texture than the fake bag's leather. Take note particularly of the stitching in the leather. Stitching on the authentic Juicy Couture Daydreamer features thicker thread and tighter and straighter stitching than a replica bag.
2Look at the strap attaching the mirror. Juicy Couture Daydreamer handbags come with a mirror attached to a leather strap with "I am the fairest" written on it. Fake handbags often have "Juicy Kisses" marked on the strap instead.
3If the handbag comes with a drawstring dust bag, examine the heart-shaped tag attached to the drawstring. The J logo should be stitched onto the tag; on fake Daydreamer bags, the J is either stamped or embossed onto the tag.
4Check the inner label. On a real Juicy Couture handbag, the inner label is neon pink and is marked with "Love G&P" (or "Love P&G in older bags). Each authentic bag should have a unique serial number printed on the label.
5Look at the metal hardware on the handbag -- including snaps, zippers and accents. The material used for this hardware should be either heavy matte silver or pewter or dull, aged-looking copperish gold-tone. If the bag is phony, the gold metal hardware will appear cheap, lightweight and shiny.
Authentic Juicy Couture bags have zippers with YKK etched on the side.
6Look for tissue wrapping. In fake Juicy Couture bags, metal hardware is wrapped in plastic wrap, but authentic bags are wrapped in tissue, never in plastic. A newly shipped handbag should have tissue paper covering the handles and metal hardware and stuffed inside the bag to give it shape.
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How to spot a fake Juicy Couture bag? ( Pictures Included ...
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