According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sunglasses reduce the risk of cataracts and protect the sensitive areas around the eyes from sun exposure. Unfortunately, even the most expensive brands of sunglasses can become scratched from accidental scrapes. Nicked and scratched plastic sunglass lenses can be repaired at home with the help of a few household products that are readily available at a local supermarket, or under the kitchen sink.
Glass Etching Compound
- 1
Soak a cotton swab with a glass-etching compound that contains hydrofluoric acid, such as Armor Etch.
2Rub the entire surface of both sunglass lenses with the cotton swab. Allow it to sit for five minutes.
3Rinse the glasses off with cool water.
4Repeat until the nicks are removed.
Furniture Cleaner
- 5
Soak a cotton swab with furniture cleaner, such as Pledge.
6Rub the affected areas with the swab.
7Gently wipe off the furniture cleaner with a soft cloth.
8Repeat the process until the nick is filled in.
How to Remove Scratches from Sunglass Lenses
www.matrixeyewear.com/.../how-to-remove-scratches-from-sunglass-lensesScratched lenses are probably THE most common type of damage that can happen to any pair of sunglasses. Here's what to do about it...
The Sunglass Fix - How to install replacement lenses into plastic ...
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How to Fix Scratched Sunglass Lenses eHow
www.ehow.com Women's Fashion Womens AccessoriesDuring the summer season we wear our sunglasses a lot. With daily use comes normal wear and tear. It is likely that your sunglasses may sustain some scratches. You ...
Sunglass Lense Lens Glasses Scratch Repair Remover Kit eBay
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Sunglasses Lenses, Sunglasses Repair, What are Polarized Sunglasses
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How to Repair a Scratched Sunglasses Lens - Yahoo! Voices -
voices.yahoo.com/how-repair-scratched-sunglasses-lens-813877.htmlJan 18, 2008 How to Repair a Scratched Sunglasses Lens When Your Favorite Shades Sport a Scratch, All May Not Lost
How to Repair Scratches in Polarized Sunglasses eHow
www.ehow.com Clothing Care Repairing ClothesPolarized sunglasses can be an expensive investment, depending on the brand you buy. Even if you didn't spend a lot of money on them, scratches on the lenses can ...
How to Repair a Scratched Sunglasses Lens - Yahoo! Voices -
voices.yahoo.com/how-repair-scratched-sunglasses-lens-821479.htmlJan 18, 2008 A guide to repairing sunglasses and general care of sunglasses ... Removing Scratches (Plastic/Anti-Reflective Lenses Only) Do you have annoying
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