Pashminas are a great way to add color and style to an outfit, whether it be formal or casual. They can be found in a variety of colors and fabrics including silk, cotton and linen. Oftentimes, pashminas are worn as a shawl or stole, draped around the shoulders, and even as a head wrap or belt. Another alternative to accessorize your outfit is to tie a silk pashmina around your neck. A little tricky at first, but once mastered it can be an easy way to add flair to any look.
- 1
Fold the silk pashmina in half lengthwise.
2Fold the silk pashmina in half again along its width, bringing the two ends together. You should have one folded end and one end that is open.
3Wrap the folded silk pashmina around the back of your neck so that both sides drape in front of each shoulder.
4Take the open end and pull it through the loop of the folded end. You can pull it as tight or loose as you'd like.
How to Tie a Scarf eHow
www.ehow.com Women's Fashion Womens AccessoriesA beautiful silk scarf can add glamor and chic sophistication to a simple shift dress, a classic crewneck sweater or your favorite blouse. A chunky wool or cashmere ...
How to Tie a pashmina scarf European style Fashion
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How to Tie a silk scarf Fashion
fashion.wonderhowto.com/how-to/tie-silk-scarf-303214In this tutorial, we learn how to tie a silk scarf. The first way to do this is to place the scarf on you with the sides facing down, then push both back and let ...
How to tie and wear a long rectangular / oblong scarf in different ...
rontlog.hubpages.com Fashion Accessories ScarvesLooking for ways to tie and wear a long rectangular / oblong scarf? Scarves are a great way to brighten up your outfit. Read on to learn how to tie and wear long silk ...
How to tie a scarf
howtotiestuff.com/how-to-tie-a-scarfHow to tie a scarf: This page on how to tie a scarf is a resource for men and women, and is brought to you by how to tie stuff.com!
Fun With Scarves : How to Tie a Silk Pashmina Scarf - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir9Nd57Cji4A silk pashmina scarf can be worn in a lot of ways. Discover how to wear a silk pashmina scarf with the help of a fashion expert in this free video. Expert ...
Video: How to Tie a Pashmina Scarf eHow
www.ehow.com Women's Fashion Womens AccessoriesA pashmina scarf is worn draped over the shoulders, fastened with a brooch. Discover how to add color to your everyday look with a demonstration by a certified image ...
THE REFINERY How To Tie a Rectangular Silk Scarf 4 different
www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhMnFsTtot4http://www.therefinery.ca/refined Achieve four versatile looks with one rectangular scarf. Scarves are a simple way to add colour, and personality to any ...
How to Tie a Scarf : How to Wear a Scarf : How to Tie a Neck Scarf ...
www.ziamoda.com/how-to-tie-a-scarf_c_177.htmlHow to Tie a Scarf. From functional to fabulous - the way you tie your scarf makes all the difference! Seduced by the texture, design, colour and fabric of scarves we ...
How to tie and wear a square silk scarf - 20 easy and stylish ways.
rontlog.hubpages.com Fashion Accessories ScarvesHow to tie and wear a square silk scarf - there are over 100 ways to wear square silk scarves and this article will show you how, with easy to follow Youtube clips.
How to Tie a Scarf Suite101
suite101.com/article/how-to-tie-a-scarf-a85209Long is in when it comes to scarves. Here are four quick and simple ways to tie a long scarf. This trendy look is one of the most affordable ways to accessorize a ...
How To Wear Scarves: A Guide on How To Tie A Scarf
londonlady.hubpages.com Fashion Accessories ScarvesA scarf can be one of themost versatile accessories in your closet. Learn how to tie a scarf in many styles. A step-by-step guide on how to tie scarves and scarfs.
How to Tie a Long Scarf: The European Classic at Zia Moda
www.ziamoda.com/How-to-Tie-a-Long-Scarf-The-European-Classic_p_626...This style is quick, easy and always elegant. Wear a long scarf centered or jauntily pulled to the side. Fold the scarf in half and hold it so you have the two loose ...
How To Tie a ScarfWays to Wear a Scarf
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How To Tie a Scarf Tie Head Scarves for Fashion
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How To Wear A Shawl - Stylist Tips - Pashmina Shawls,
www.verypashmina.com/scarf-style/how-to-wear-a-shawlWant to learn how to wear a shawl? With just a few basic styling techniques you can transform a shawl from a simple piece of fabric to an eye-catching accessory in ...
How to wear a pashmina shawl - Sunrise Pashmina: Cashmere
www.sunrise-pashmina.com/howtowearpashmina.htmlHow to wear a pashmina shawl or scarf. Photographs, video-clips, and text descriptions of fashion tricks to express your personality and expand your wardrobe.
Silk Scarves - How To Tie A Silk Scarf Beautifully
ezinearticles.com/?Silk-Scarves---How-To-Tie-A-Silk-Scarf...Jan 01, 2011 Discover how to fold your silk scarf and get the most in value and fashion. Finding a beautiful silk scarf you'll wear for years to come is easy and ...
How To Tie A Scarf - Stylist Tips - Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere ...
www.verypashmina.com/scarf-style/how-to-tie-a-scarfWant to learn how to tie a scarf? Scarves are not only a practical accessory, with a few simple styling techniques you can adapt your scarf into a wide range of fun ...
How to Tie a Womens Scarf - Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo
www.squidoo.com EducationScarves are not just for the winter and the cold days. They are an excellent fashion accessory. In the summer lighter silk scarves, and so- called pashminas are most ...
Evening Shawls - How to Tie an Evening Shawl
ezinearticles.com/?Evening-Shawls---How-to-Tie-an-Evening-Shawl&id=...Jun 01, 2010 Evening shawls are beloved by all fashion-conscious people for several reasons. A prime attraction of pashmina evening shawls is the elegance they add to ...
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