Coach is a brand of designer handbags, purses, wallets, shoes, accessories and apparel. Knock-off Coach purses are very common and are often sold as cheaper alternatives or even at full price in an attempt to fool the buyer. Luckily, there are a few telltale characteristics that will allow you to tell whether or not the handbag is a genuine Coach.
- 1
Inspect the letter pattern on the handbag. Genuine Coach bags will have the trademark C pattern throughout, with none of the letters cut off by seams or another C. Each C should be whole.
2Make sure that the C pattern is consistent throughout. The C's should be grouped together in pairs of two, always forming a pattern and never scattered randomly.
3Check the tag to make sure that the writing is in English, is straight and not crooked, and that the serial number always begins with "No," followed by a cluster of numbers, a dash, and four more numbers. Fakes often have three numbers after the dash.
4Inspect the logo tag to make sure that the word "COACH" is raised, not stamped on or into the tag.
5Inspect the zipper to check for the marking "YKK," which is the zipper that Coach always uses.
6Look around the inside of the bag. The interior should be stitched in straight lines, not glued or clumsily stitched.
How To Spot A Fake Coach Bag
Yes now Coach does provide white satin dust bags however, the ones pictured under my "fake" pictures are still indeed un-authentic.. They are made of a
How to Spot a Fake Coach Handbag - BagBliss to determining authenticity for a Signature Coach Bag. If you are considering on purchasing a handbag from a questionable source, then go to the coach website or ...
How to spot a fake COACH bag eBay - Electronics, Cars, wouldn't think anyone would bother to make fake COACH bags because the originals are relatively inexpensive - at least compared to other high-fashion bags such
How to Tell if Your Coach Purse is Real That's So Fake! can you tell if your Coach purse is real? Well, according to several Coach employees I spoke with, there is no way to definitively spot a fake Coach.
How to Tell a Real Coach Bag From a FAKE! - YouTube this helps some of you!! subscribe! :) ... Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MsBlueyes5 's ...
Coach Purses: How to tell an Authentic Coach Handbag from Fake ... Handbags and PursesLets be honest. A Coach purse to many people is a real buying decision. No matter your spending ability at some point you must look at your available money and ...
How to Spot a Fake Coach Handbag eHow Internet Popular Websites EbayCounterfeit, replica, knock off, imitation, or fake -call them what you like. But counterfeit handbags are everywhere - in small boutiques, at the airport, on street ...
How to Determine If Your Coach Bag is the Real Thing or a Fake ... 28, 2009 There are more than a few ways to tell if that Coach bag you want to buy is the real thing or an imitation. Some of Coach's top handbag lines are the most ...
How to Tell a Fake Coach Bag from a Real Coach Bag - Amber is so many fake bags out there, here is some pointers to tell if a Coach bag is fake or not.
How to tell your coach bag is fake - YouTube video is old.. So some info may be outdated. do you think your coach bag is this!
How to tell if your designer purse is authentic or a knock-off ... Handbags and PursesDesigner handbags are expensive. With that said, how frustrating would it be to be told that your purse is actually fake? In some countries, like in Europe, it's ...
How can I tell if my Coach Purse is real or Fake? - Yahoo! Answers Beauty & Style Fashion & AccessoriesLast updated: Dec 29, 2007 25 posts First post: Dec 26, 2007Dec 26, 2007 Best Answer: It is definitely fake.Though they are currently made in China,Coach bags HAVE been made in the USA,Turkey and numerous other
Coach Bags, Totes, & Purses 5 Basic Ways To Tell If A Coach Purse ... Fashion and Beauty Handbags and Purseslove Coach bags, period. I eat, sleep and breath them. They are my kryptonite per say and I have a hard time resisting anything Coach! I actually sell Coach items on ...
Radley Bags,How To Spot A Fake! Things To Look For eBay Bags,How To Spot A Fake. Having been a fan of Radley for years now,i have noticed more and more fakes appearing on ebay. Here are a few tips on what to look ...
How to Spot a Fake Bottega Veneta Bag - EzineArticles 07, 2011 Made in? Up to this point in time, Bottega Veneta handbags have not gone the way of Coach, Mulberry etc, by outsourcing some, or all, or their work to China.
THE BASIC WAYS HOW TO SPOT A FAKE COACH BAGS! eBay READ: I am not affiliated with Coach in any way, I am just an avid collector who love their bags and want to share and help others to be aware of the signs of ...
Fake Coach Websites - Home Page - How to spot a fake Coach Purse site that tells you which Websites sell fake Coach Purses & Products
How to Spot a Fake.....Handbag - Yahoo! Voices - 03, 2006 Designer handbags are everywhere. Most of us can't afford the authentic thing, so we gravitate towards the the next best thing...replicas. Here are five ...
How to Identify an Authentic Coach Handbag eHow Women's Fashion Couture for WomenHow to Identify an Authentic Coach Handbag. Coach handbags are an excellent example of American craftsmanship at its best. Made with quality materials and an ...
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