Since designer items are considered a luxury, most people find them to be expensive and look for ways to obtain them at lower prices. Since not everyone can afford them, the market for fakes, or bootleg versions, has made it increasingly more prevalent and harder to set the real and phony apart.
All hardware used in Prada handbags are antique brass. If the hardware looks rusted, old, or worn down, then it probably is not an authentic Prada item.
Prada items are known to be very fashionable and easily distinguishable in the fashion community. All bags are constructed of superior quality materials with antique finishes and come in various shapes and sizes with the signature Prada logo plate prominently displayed on each item.
When purchasing a Prada handbag at a higher end store like Bergdorf's or Neiman Marcus, it's guaranteed to be an original piece. If you've purchased one from a street vendor, it's not likely that it's an authentic Prada.
Although it's not illegal to knowingly purchase a fake or designer-inspired item, it is a copyright infringement to manufacture them. Since the unauthorized duplication of designer items has over saturated the market, it's become more and more common for designers to serve violators with lawsuits.
Some items pictured on auctioning sites might look real but the actual items are fakes, because some sellers steal pictures of authentic items that are sold by legitimate sellers. A simple way to monitor a seller that you might want to purchase from is to be on the lookout for the same images being used on other websites.
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